Robert E. Lee Ranch Co.
The Robert E. Lee Ranch Company is
located in the foothills of the beautiful
Snowy Mountains in central Montana.

The ranch is a diversified cattle and grain
operation raising crossbred cattle and
dryland wheat and barley.

The ranch is nationally recognized for its
approach to managing the natural
resources upon which it depends. The
cattle are managed in a way that enhances
the natural rangelands and water resources
of the ranch while at the same time
increasing calf weights and maintaining or
improving the condition of the mother

We welcome visitors from all walks of life
and experiences. Please don't hesitate to
stop by for a visit if you are in our beautiful
part of the country.

Robert E. Lee Ranch Co.
Bob and Kathy Lee
260 Blake Creek Rd.
Judith Gap, MT 59453

Fax: 406.473.2380
Email: leeranch@itstriangle.com